This article is more than 1 year old
El Reg seeks ultimate 'nom de sex'
Click here to submit your pornstar name
Our recent piece on the shocking case of former porn actress Laura Madden, who stole a former classmate's name to appear in grumble flick classics such as Irresistibly Delicious and Dominance, provoked a few reader comments about how to select the ultimate "nom de sex".
Here's a traditional method, as detailed by Rick:
I was always told the way to get your pornstar name was to take the name of your first pet and the name of the first streen you lived on. the pet's name being your first name and the street name being your last such my would be "jody woodway" and i'm trademarking it right now so if I see it lawsuits will follow....:-P
Not bad, but we reckon that somewhere out there is the ultimate porn moniker. Accordingly, we invite readers to make their submissions below, and we'll select the best ten or so and offer them up for a poll.
No cheating, please, because we at Vulture Central know full well that no one ever had a dog called "Throbbing" or lived on "Stalliondick Boulevard". For the record, this hack's porn alter ego is "Twiggy Westerham". Let's see if you can do better: