This article is more than 1 year old
'You're a f**king moron'
Jefferson Alberry II cops a righteous shoeing
FoTW Our illuminating piece yesterday by new boy Jefferson Alberry II, regarding al-Qaeda's stance on the iPhone, provoked a seriously adverse reaction in one "Mr Jenkins". His resulting message may be short, but it sure ain't sweet:
You're a fucking moron. Crawl back under the rock you live under - you cunt.
Good Lord. Mr Jenkins has obviously got hold of the wrong end of the stick, or possibly the right end, depending on your viewpoint. Whichever end of the stick it is, his comment was forwarded to me at El Reg's Black Ops and Counter-Insurgency Montana Bunker Facility (BLIMEY), for further analysis.
The reason? Well, Mr Jenkins rather unsportingly spoofed a UK university email addy. However, he failed to take into account that El Reg's online comments form captured the IP address from which the invective originated. It belongs to a major US computer corporation, and we've equally unsportingly decided to ask them who Mr Jenkins is and why he is so very, very angry. Watch this space. ®