This article is more than 1 year old
Sony to tune slimline PSP into Japanese TV
Final Fantasy anniversary handheld coming too
If you're already annoyed that Japan gets most of the good gadgets first, then Sony's announcement that a TV tuner for the upcoming, slimmed down 'PSP 2' will only appear there is likely to enrage you further still.
Sony's PSP TV tuner: Japan only
The 17g TV Tuner was announced this week, following last week's unveiling of the thinner PSP. The device will only be available on Sony's home turf because it tunes into 1seg, Japan's mobile terrestrial digital audio, video and data broadcasting service. It's only compatible with the PSP-2000, not the original console, the PSP-1000.
Sony also announced that it will release its new PSP model in an additional "Bloom" colour series, which includes rose pink, lavender purple and felicia blue.
The PSP TV tuner is due to hit Japanese stores this September, around the same time as the slim PSP's launch, and will cost ¥6980 (£27/€41/$57).
Japan will also take stock of a limited, numbered edition Final Fantasy slim PSP, for the game's tenth anniversary. This will be sold as a bundle pack that includes the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII game, a silver PSP emblazoned with Final Fantasy logos, and a key-ring.
The Final Fantasy special edition PSP
The bundle pack, of which its rumoured only 77,777 will be made, will appear in Japanese stores a week earlier than the official slim PSP in Japan and retail for around ¥25,890 (£103/€153/$212).