This article is more than 1 year old
El Reg issues Satan word alert
'Mobisode'? WTF is a 'mobisode'?
El Reg's lexicographical soviet this morning ramped up to Defcon Red after our Mephistophelean terminology radar detected a potentially-fatal neologism hidden in an otherwise innocent Reuters report.
The piece in question concerns something about TV smash Lost spin-offs. Hardly earth-shattering stuff, but try this quote from the show's co-creator/executive producer, Damon Lindelof: "It will allow us to focus our time and energy into creating separate medias like the game, mobisodes, another 'Lost Experience', and we have a couple of cool book ideas that tie into the show."
Regular readers know we take a hard line on this kind of outrage, as witnessed by the fate of mobe, lappy and ICT. Accordingly, we've dispatched a Vulture Central black ops team to have a "quiet word" with Lindelof about "mobisode". We'll keep you posted. ®