This article is more than 1 year old
Oklahoma offers War on Terror numberplates
Okies say 'you're either with us or agin us'
Residents of Oklahoma can exchange their dull old number plate for one which makes clear their support of Bush's "Global War on Terror".
The personalised plate comes with a picture of the Twin Towers with an American eagle, sporting a 9-11 ribbon. Below your car registration number is the slogan "Global War on Terror" to make clear where your loyalties lie.
The bizarre plate, yours for just $37, is not alone. The state offers more than a hundred such plates ranging from "Choose Life" or "Masonic Fraternity" to "Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor". We assume you should aim for a donor in the event of an unavoidable crash - at least then there's a chance they'll patch you up with bits of the person you've crashed into.
There is even a numberplate to show your interest in hot air ballooning.
All the US forces, active and retired, have their own plates, as do the Benevolent Order of Elks and the National Rifle Association.
For those of a liberal bent you can show your support for adoption, child abuse prevention or stick a "Square and Round Dancers" license plate to your truck.
Thanks to for alerting us to this.
All the plates are here.®