This article is more than 1 year old
Apple slashes iPhone prices
Slaps 1 million idiots
No, Steve. We didn't miss that last bit.
This morning, after announcing a boatload of brand new iPod and iTunes gizmos, Steve Jobs had one final piece of news for all you Apple lovers out there: He was dropping the price of the iPhone. Little more than two months after it debuted at $599, the 8GB status symbol is now available for just $399.
To summarize, Steve Jobs just slapped one million of his most-ardent supporters.
Few will acknowledge it, of course. The Apple faithful are so enamored with Jobs, they'd gladly follow the man to South America and drink his poisoned Kool Aid. And we don't mean that metaphorically.
But whether they realize it or not, Jobs just insulted each and every person who's purchased an iPhone over the past 68 days. He's also robbed them of $200. He spent months telling those one million souls they should spend nearly six hundred smackers on a new user interface, and now, he's admitted this was nothing more than a con job.
We hate to say we told you so. But we did.
The Apple faithful didn't listen then. And they won't listen now. But on the off-chance there's an iPhone owner out there who can still reason, we have a few words of advice. Next time Jobs rolls out a new product, think before you buy. Better yet, think before you spend days waiting in line to buy.
And if you bought the thing over the last two weeks, return it - as Apple allows. If you then buy a new one, you'll save $200. And if you don't buy a new one, you'll save $599. When Steve Jobs slaps you, slap him back. ®