This article is more than 1 year old
Snooping on users Facebook 'staff perk' - claim
See who's interested in whom, says Valleywag
Facebook staff can not only look at any profile on the site, they can also see which other profiles that user has been looking at.
Snooping at other people's profiles is part of the joy of the site, but most of the joy was knowing you could do so in private. But according to Valleywag Facebook staff can easily see what you've been up to on the site.
Facebook's terms and conditions do not rule out this happening: "Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that user content you post on the site will not be viewed by unauthorised persons." The privacy policy continues: "We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the site."
Facebook notes that your content may still be available even after you have deleted it. Ordinary users cannot see what other people have been clicking on.
According to Valleywag, which got the scoop on employee snooping, there is a third party application which does look at where you've been - but only if you ask it to first.
More from Valleywag here.
The blog also claims to have got its hands on Steve Ballmer's Facebook page - enjoy that here. ®