This article is more than 1 year old

Oz 'Family First' candidate sacked for todger-flash email

Humiliation for 'Australia's smallest loser'

A Sydney candidate for the Family First Party was sacked at the weekend after an email addressed to a number of student organisations' mailing lists, with attachments showing him apparently flashing his penis, popped up on gay websites and subsequently escaped into the wild.

Andrew Quah, 21, has been dubbed "Australia's smallest loser" as a result of the outrage which began with the following missive:

From: Andrew Quah
Date: Aug 19, 2006 2:23 AM
Subject: ...

deer left,

u can all go n suck my fat asian cock

hate you,

andrew quah

future src president

also bring me more burbon i ran out

Attached to the email were three photographs, all of which appear to feature his wedding tackle, and one of which "shows him exposing his private parts as he takes a picture of himself in a mirror", as the Sydney Morning Herald puts it. Quah told the Sunday Herald Sun - which broke the story - it was "possible that he had posed for the compromising photographs", adding: "I might have been drunk off my face or my political enemies might have drugged me."

Regarding the first two photographs, Quah explained: "I have been accused of publicly exposing myself to a number of student activist mailing lists. I categorically deny this. I did, however, do something stupid and juvenile. Over two years ago I drunkenly shared, in confidence, photos of myself in what appears to be an inappropriate position, though I completely deny that the third composite image is me or mine.

"These pictures were then posted in my name to a series of mailing lists with a highly offensive message. The incident took place long before my eventual application to join the Family First Party."

Of the the aforementioned third "reflectoporn" snap, Quah offered: "But that's not my penis. Look, maybe somebody photoshopped it, and put another one on the photo. I can tell you, it's not me. I know these things. But really, I can't remember... All I know, I have been humiliated."

The bottom line of the rumpus is that Family First's big cheese Steve Fielding "counselled Mr Quah when the news surfaced at the weekend", but then "disendorsed him, dropped him from the Family First NSW executive and expelled him".

Quah, who admitted to viewing net pornography within the last two weeks, lamented: "I apologise to anybody who takes offence... It was a mistake that I would not have committed had I been of right mind. But I hope that this does not reflect on the membership of the Family First Party - decent, hardworking and dedicated people. And I hope that my behaviour will not reflect badly on my colleagues and friends who share the desire to make Australia the best place in the world to raise a family." ®

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