This article is more than 1 year old
Croydon unleashes cyberwar on barking dogs
Yelping mutts beware Web 0.2
The good burghers of Croydon will be able to sleep sounder in their beds in future, thanks to the local council's sensational online Report a Barking dog service:
Yes, that's right - you can either enter the location of the yelping mutt, or click on the map to select the source of the canine noise pollution. You're then apparently directed to a form which allows you to enter the pertinent details.
We say apparently, because when we tried to grass up a bothersome Japanese Tosa in Thornton Heath, the browser (Mozilla) promptly packed up. This leads us to suspect that the Croydon dog-busting service is an IE-only operation - hardly fair on those locals who'd rather not use the Beast of Redmond to unleash the municipal Dogs of War.
Still, we applaud the principle, and look forward to similar projects which allow council taxpayers to alert the authorities to the exact location of potentially life-threatening chewing gum stuck to Croydon's broad, leafy boulevards. ®
Thanks to Ian Watson for the tip-off. He rightly declares Croydon's barking barking dog plan "a great use of the internet".