This article is more than 1 year old

Symbian licences up 56 per cent

Good revenues too...

As a private company, Symbian isn't obliged to hang out its financial washing, but nevertheless does so every quarter.

Today Symbian reported revenue of $52.4m for the quarter ending 30 September, up from $41.3m six months ago, and $40.3m a year ago.

Symbian said it was paid for 20.4 million licenses in the quarter, compared to 13 million a year ago - a 56 per cent increase. Today the company says there are 134 models on the market and 65 in development. The latter number has been fairly constant over the past six quarters.

The revenue figure fell slightly a year ago, reflecting the sale of UIQ sold to Sony Ericsson. UIQ was an additional royalty source for Symbian. Despite that, the average royalty unit has held up well. A year ago it was $5.2 per unit, now it's $4.8. In the summer of 2006 Symbian introduced a new royalty schedule intended to drive the OS into cheaper phones.

Now what's that in Caveman currency? We'll ask Nigel.

Ugg! ®

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