This article is more than 1 year old

iPhone 'killers' stand up and be counted

Samsung? LG? HTC? Who'll crucify the Jesus Phone?

LG's third iPhone rival is the Prada - reviewed here. Despite having been around since early this year, it still fights its corner in the looks department - not only the hardware but the cool, smooth monochrome UI developed specifically for the handset. The tri-band GSM/GPRS/Edge handset has Bluetooth 2.0 built-in.

LG Prada
LG's Prada
iPhone Beater Score

iPhone Beater Score 2/5

The handset boasts a 3in display and a two-megapixel camera, which stores images and video on Micro SD card.

HTC, the company behind several other rebranded handsets – such as Ted Baker’s Needle - has two potential rival iPhone offerings on the shelves. Dubbed the Touch and Touch Dual, both are technically equipped enough to sit next to the iPhone, but neither really match it aesthetically.

HTC Touch
HTC Touch
iPhone Beater Score

iPhone Beater Score 3/5

The tri-band GSM/GRPS/Edge Touch - which is the model for the Needle - has a 2.8in touchscreen, a two-megapixel camera, a Micro SD memory card slot. It runs Windows Mobile 6, but has HTC's own touch-controlled user interface sitting on top.

HTC has included 802.11b/g Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.0.

HTC Touch Dual
HTC Touch Dual
iPhone Beater Score

iPhone Beater Score 3.5/5

The company’s HTC Touch Dual is much the same, although it sports a slide-out Qwerty keyboard and offers HSDPA 3G connectivity on top on the Touch’s features. But there's no Wi-Fi.

So which of these numbers has the capacity to beat the iPhone? They all do, but we reckon Samsung and its F700 has the most chance of doing so.

Of course, if any of these phones don’t fit your requirements and you’re looking for something slightly, well, simpler. Then you could consider the Nokia 1011...

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