This article is more than 1 year old
Winona Ryder to suckle Spock in Star Trek XI
Talented thespiatrix confirmed as Vulcan's mum
The roster of thespos lined up to grace the eleventh celluloid outing of Star Trek now boasts Winona Ryder as a young Spock's mum, the BBC reports.
For those of you who aren't up to speed on the casting details for the upcoming trekkie epic, it will feature Karl Urban as Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Eric Bana as villain Nero, John Cho as Sulu, Simon Pegg as Scotty, Zachary Quinto as (young) Spock, Zoe Saldana as Uhura, Anton Yelchin as Chekov and Chris Pine as Kirk.
Leonard Nimoy will also appear as Spock senior, doubtless bearing a wide grin after having been suckled on Ryder's admirable mams.
The film - directed by J J Abrams and dealing with how the Enterprise crew met at Starfleet Academy and subsequently went boldy forth on their first mission - is slated for a 25 December 2008 release in the US of A.
Sadly for Trek fans, William Shatner will not appear as a (very much older) Kirk. After a few chats with J J Abrams regarding a possible cameo role, the septuagenarian Starship captain allegedly turned down a mere walk-on part.
Shatner lamented: "I couldn't believe it. I'm not in the movie at all. Leonard, God bless his heart, is in, but not me." ®