This article is more than 1 year old

Official: PS3 to get DivX through firmware upate

Xbox 360 too?

PlayStation 3 gamers will soon have access to DivX digital video content through their consoles after Sony yesterday agreed to a tie-up between the two companies.

Although a release date hasn’t yet been announced, DivX claimed it will certify the PS3 in the “near future”. Once completed, PS3 owners old and new will be able to add DivX functionality to the console through a firmware update.

DivX’s CEO, Kevin Hell, said PS3 game developers will also, DivX claims, be able to make use of its decoder technology by updating to version 2.0 of the console’s software development kit, released earlier this month.

Several online reports also indicate that Hell’s banking on a similar tie-up with Microsoft’s Xbox 360 console. According to, he apparently stated in a recent conference call that its video codec will appear on the console, but that a specific deal hasn't yet been signed.

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