This article is more than 1 year old
Nicole Richie warms to lamppost dog urinals
Someone is taking the piss
Nicole Richie is backing an invention which may protect America's lampposts from premature destruction by corrosive mutt piss - a "dog urinal" which channels the deadly liquid safely into the gutter.
According to highly dubious reports in the US press, Richie is well impressed with Swedish inventor Lennart Jarlerbro's cunning device, and enthused: "This invention is just so clever. It's a cute rubber cup attached to the post and a hose that pipes urine into the gutter."
Jarlerbro apparently put on his thinking cap after "getting annoyed" at seeing the canine assault on the US of A's lampposts. He said: "The average lamppost has a lifespan of 30 years but my invention could add a further 15 years."
Back in the real world, meanwhile, Richie and other half Joel Madden recently launched the The Richie Madden Children's Foundation, which will in December host "a baby shower and gift presentation for moms-in-need" at the Los Angeles free clinic.
Reports that Paris Hilton can't attend this worthy event because she'll be suckling war orphans in Rwanda are unconfirmed. ®