This article is more than 1 year old
Adam Curtis : an audio special
On Facebook, The Big Lump Theory ... and Popbitch Radio
Beeb Week Earlier in the week, we published a long interview with the BBC's Adam Curtis. From your feedback you enjoyed it very much. Mark Woodward wrote -
"Sometimes you come across something so electric you can feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and like The Trap, that's how Adam Curtis's remarks here hit me. Its the sense of someone drawing together a set of threads that you could instinctively feel but not place together in a pattern, and that really is Curtis's genius."
"Adam Curtis for beeb controller!" writes Alan Parsons.
That was recorded a few months ago, but Adam kindly agreed to a follow up this month: and here are a few audio snippets.
The quality isn't as atrocious as the earlier interview - it's mostly audible. We've saved the best 'til last.
So, enjoy:
- Adam on... what's the net? Is it just pipes, or a new storytelling medium? : Click the player or Download MP3
[4:09 || 2.9MB]
- Adam on... My ambition : Click the player or Download MP3
[00:41 || 492kb]
- Adam on... Is Facebook the New TV? : Click the player or Download MP3
[02:41 || 1.8MB]
- Adam on... TV's Failure : Click the player or Download MP3
[00:51 || 600kb]
- Adam on... That Charlie Brooker piece : Click the player or Download MP3
[00:35 || 420kb]
- Adam on... The Big Lump Theory of the Internet... and Popbitch Radio! : Click the player or Download MP3
[04:02 || 1.1MB]
Whitechapel Gallery is hosting a Curtis weekender on 8-9 December, with the man being interviewed on Saturday, and giving a talk about his ideas, sources and techniques the following day. Details here.
Mail welcome here please (and let us know if you want us to forward any).
Blather Warning: No.1 is rubbish. That's called "a Computer Game", mate. The others are more promising.®