This article is more than 1 year old
Vista provokes user synaptic collapse
Logic feedback loop brain bomb
Those of you with memories like elephants may recall the case of the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article which contained the following classic:
A Connection Manager Connection Does Not Connect After Being Disconnected
There was a rumour going around back then in 2003 that Microsoft had planted such error messages to subjugate humanity to its dark will by means of provoking a logic feedback loop synaptic collapse. Well, the black helicopter brigade may have been right, because here's a warning from Vista:
We think we know what it means, but, no, hold on a minute... can't... think... must shut down computer before it's too... ®
Thanks to David Hough for the tip-off. David is said to be "steadily recovering" from exposure to the Vista brain bomb after doctors prescribed a healthy dose of Linux.