This article is more than 1 year old
Sidcup massive threatens Reg hack
'My sisters got boxing tattoos'
FoTW Veteran Reg readers may recall a couple of websites called and Chatham Girls - both now defunct but in their day providing essential guides to the UK's fight capital and bow-legged Medway chavettes, respectively.
Then, of course, came the online Sidcup resource, which we described as an illuminating stroll through another weed-tangled acre of the Garden of England.
Sadly, that too has now gone the way of all flesh, but that hasn't prevented one "Teddy Baker" evidently taking exception to our coverage of what has been dubbed "The Kent Bronx":
mother die get up before i knock you down ill punch you straight in the front of the side of the back of the forehead you kushti mushti cacker manky currer bow no one curs their lamb like a sidcup boy, my sisters got boxing tattoos
Magnificent. Our linguistic experts have confirmed this is indeed a genuine example of the local dialect, most commonly heard in cut-price paaaand shops where shoplifting single mums clad in gold clown necklaces, diamonique earrings, gold shoes and Umbro sweatshirts fight over Britney Spears scrunchies to hold up their permed pineapples. ®