This article is more than 1 year old
How much does El Reg cost the global economy?
Putting a price on Vulture Central
Reader poll Our recent shock revelation that Xmas boozing costs the UK economy a cool £790m due to shattered, post-piss-up employees crashing out under their desks or puking their guts up in mission-critical strategy meetings attracted the following provocative comment:
How much El Reg costs UK biz each year? You should do a study... which may cost even more with the time spend filling out the survey...
Well, this got us thinking: if we did a survey to calculate exactly Vulture Central's impact on the global economy, we could then offer our entire operation to, say, the US government for that amount, close down the site and all go and get royally rat-arsed for the next 20 years on the proceeds.
True, you lot would have to look elsewhere for your Paris Hilton and iPhone exclusives, but business is business. Accordingly, please tell us how much time you spend each day reading El Reg when you should be working, and we'll do the maths. ®