This article is more than 1 year old

Sequence diagramming that's fit for purpose

Illustrate your point

The final illustration shows the corrected version of the sequence diagram and includes the alternate course - shown in red - for when the form validation fails.

Iconix Process sequence diagram exercise three

Correct sequence of events

This concludes our series of excerpts from Matt and Doug's book. As you can imagine, the book itself goes into masses more detail and includes a raft of examples and exercises. The book follows several use cases from inception all the way to source code and tests, using an example Spring/JSP project. It also introduces design-driven testing, a practical alternative (or complement) to test-driven development, and illustrates how to deal with functional requirements documents and extract lightweight use cases from them.

For those of you more interested in performing a mashup of an object oriented analysis and design process with your favorite agile development practices, then you might want to read this book’s companion volume, here, also available through Register Books.®

Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: Theory and Practice is available for purchase through Register Books, at the special price of £34.99.

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