This article is more than 1 year old

RIAA wiped off the net

Hacktivists at work

A lack of security controls allowed hackers to "wipe" the Recording Industry Association of America's (RIAA) website on Sunday.

The existence of an SQL injection attack on the RIAA's site came to light via social network news site Reddit. Soon after hackers were making merry, turning the site into a blank slate, among other things.

The RIAA has restored, although whether it's any more secure than before remains open to question, TorrentFreak reports.

The RIAA's high-profile lawsuits against file sharers have made it a prime target for hack attacks, so its apparent failure to apply rudimentary security controls looks especially dumb even though, as with most such attacks, little damage was actually caused.

In other hacking news, the Church of Scientology's website reportedly came under attack last week, leaving it unavailable for parts of the weekend.

The attack was reportedly an act of hacktivism prompted by the organisation's attempts to pull a promotional video featuring Scientologist Tom Cruise from YouTube. YouTube pulled the clip, but the material has since resurfaced on ®

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