This article is more than 1 year old

Brown fingerprints wanted as Phorm bungles again

Read on, dear techie nerds...

Our own Bill Ray was accidentally conferenced into a call at the O2 press office which had PRs discussing what to tell him, declaring that they were not frightened of him, and calling you lot "a bunch of techie nerds". Many of you took exception, but you still found the humour.

Puts me in mind of the answering machine message I encountered when calling a now defunct technical support department at 2am one morning..

Click. Clatter. Clunk..

"..uck's sake Steve, don't fuck around with that - if you screw up the messages we'll get a fucking bollocking."

"Don't worry Dave, I've not.. Oh, for fu.."

Clunk. Clatter. Click.


Techie nerds????

How dare they! It's simply not true. Only last week I was discussing with my mate Ziggy the finer cultural points of that classic,THX1138!!!

And I'll have you know I would have almost had a girlfriend a few years back, if she'd not objected to my Richard Stallman poster in the bedroom! Women, eh? Pah!

Got to go now - have to repair the elbow patches in my cardigan.


We are not afraid of Bill Ray!

Anonymous Coward

Isnt the "nerd" redundant? I mean, if you are a techie, arent you guaranteed to be a nerd?

Can you be a techie but not a nerd?

Really, if you are going to call us names, at least get it right.


Lets face it, it's not a shock that they identified you lot as geeks. You are. I omit myself from that brand as I'm one of the few cool and trendy people who uses this site. I'm not a geek. I'm not.....

Gotta go, mums just said my tea's ready and she can't carry it up the stairs now she's ninety.......

But in reality, I love PR cock ups. I'm with O2 and am gonna guilt trip them into an awesome deal come May. I would switch out of revulsion for their incompetence, but 3 are shite and the less said about Orange the better. I also used to work for Vodabone, so will never go there again.

Jay Cooper

What makes you nerds think the PR guys were unaware? Huh? The classification is spot on, so they must know what they're doing.

Next time you want to break up, call a friend to discuss and just "by accident" conference your partner in.


Have any of you actually met Bill Ray? I know he terrifies me. ®

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