This article is more than 1 year old
Japanese council worker in 750k smut site pornathon
20 grumble pages per minute over nine months
A Japanese council employee has set what is likely to remain an unbreakable record for surfing porn at work, after visiting an impressive 750,000 smut websites in just nine months at the rate of 20 pages for each minute he was sat at his desk.
According to the BBC, the unnamed 57-year-old "works" for the city of Kinokawa in southern Japan. During his web pornathon, he clocked up an average of 10,000 grumble pages a day, something that went unnoticed because "each employee's desk was set apart from the others", as a council official put it.
This superb effort was only discovered when his computer caught a nasty case of the clap - a virus which prompted the powers that be to peruse his browser history. They discovered he'd been most (in)active during July last year, when he "surfed for porn more than 177,000 times during office hours".
Quite remarkably, no marching orders were forthcoming for the outrage, but rather a demotion and a cut in wages of 20,000 yen (£80) a month - a figure which by our reckoning works out at just 0.096p for every page he's no doubt still tirelessly examining every four weeks. ®
The first reader to post a "bah that's nothing I once worked for [insert name of company] and got through [insert impressive number] of Lindsay Lohan nipslip websites in just three weeks" comment will be banned from El Reg Paris Hilton-related stories for a month.