This article is more than 1 year old
South Korea Prez receives limited edition Xbox
A mother-of-pearl gaming beauty
Heads of state receive loads of great gifts - President Bush recently received a mountain bike from Israel, for instance. But if you’re mates with the Gates, then you get the coolest presents, like an Xbox 360 encrusted with mother-of-pearl.

Bill Gates gave the mother-of-pearl Xbox 360 to South Korea's president
Bill Gates presented the glitzy gaming unit to Lee Myung-bak, president of South Korea, when the pair met earlier this month. The console was designed by a Korean artist Kim Young-jun, pictured above, and it features ume flowers and butterflies across one side, which are supposed to represent patience and perseverance.

Kim Young-jun working on an table
Lee Myung-bak will need plenty of both if the console suffers from any Red Ring of Death problems.
Microsoft’s rumoured to have ordered 100 similar designs for the Xbox 360, but don’t hold your breath while you wait for one to turn up on eBay. All 100 consoles have been set aside as VIP gifts from Gates.
Register Hardware wonders what games South Korea’s president will play on the unit? GTA IV, Condemned 2, Fifa 08?