This article is more than 1 year old

Taxing times for Hungary's porn inspectors

Tax allowance claim grumble flick marathon

NSFW A group of Hungarian tax inspectors is apparently "protesting" at being forced to watch hard-core grumble flicks in an attempt to decide if the filmmaker has legitimately claimed £10,000 in allowances for set-dressing his DVD romps.

According to Ananova, Northern Hungary tax supremo Maria Nagy bemoaned the probe into Ferenc Hopka, whining: "It's a hard job. Porn movies are known for showing the action, not the bed or the carpet it is happening on.

"Often we just see a lot of flesh and a little bit of silk, and just from that we have to determine whether that piece of silk is really the bedding the producer claimed his money back for."

To give you a taste of what Hungary's finest might be enduring, we suggest a quick shufti at Hopka's 2002 smut masterwork Fallen Angels, which stars the splendidly named Norman Hard and is described thus: "A priest stands accused of 'orgiastic misconduct' in a monastery. Enter a female judge who wants to hear every juicy detail of his blasphemous deeds..."

For the record, Fallen Angels features an awful lot of flesh and an impressive spread of silk sheets, as this still proves:

A still from Fallen Angels


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