This article is more than 1 year old

Leeds thieves target Ford Focus chips

Stick 'em your Sky box, get free telly

Police in Leeds have issued a warning to Ford Focus owners that thieves are targeting their vehicles in order to get their mitts on an allegedly magical chip from the car's stereo, the Yorkshire Evening Post reports.

Detective Inspector Nick Wallen from North East Leeds Division explained: "There has been an ongoing rumour for a number of years now that a chip within a stereo from a Ford Focus can be put into a Sky box and you receive free Sky television.

"Following previous enquiries to the suppliers this has been found to be completely untrue. We believe that the recent spate of thefts could be as a result of this rumour."

Sky field force interface manager* Peter Lewis chipped in with: "We've been asked about this urban myth in the past but there is absolutely no evidence it has any basis in truth."

Inspector Wallen concluded with the traditional: "I would like car owners to ensure that their vehicle and its contents are secure as well as making thieves aware that this type of crime will not be tolerated and their pointless actions will result in them being put through the court systems." ®


*Yes, we're thinking the same thing: whoever thought that one up should be beaten with a stick and his or her remains fed to a Staffordshire bull terrier.

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