This article is more than 1 year old

Pope apologises for Apple's MobileMe sins

An LA Times picture exclusive

Thus it is recorded in the Book of The Times of Los Angeles: "And the Lord said: 'Let there be MobileMe. And there was not MobileMe. And the Lord looked down upon Apple's botched transition and saw that it was not good. And he then told Benny 16 to apologise...'"

Yeah verily, unbelievers look on in awe and wonder:

LA Times grab with picture of Pope Benny 16 under headline: Apple apologizes for MobileMe transition problems

Yup, someone's either having a bit of fun down at the LA Times or their picture desk is having a bad hair day. Either way, it does give new credence to the cult of the Jesus phone. Amen. ®


The Lord's blessing on Gavin Baxter for the tip-off.

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