This article is more than 1 year old
Yahoo! recounts! votes!
Yang! even! less! popular! than! thought!
Yahoo! miscounted the shareholder votes at its general meeting last week, it has admitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
To be fair, the miscount was blamed on Broadridge Financial Services which acts as a proxy for institutional shareholders and mucked up the votes. Broadbridge blamed "a truncation error [which] occurred in reporting share numbers that exceeded eight digits".
The recounted results show Yahoo! boss Jerry Yang, and most of the rest of the board, were somewhat less popular than originally reported.
The original results showed Yang getting 85.4 per cent of votes in his favour, but corrected figures show he only pulled in 66.3 per cent of the vote. Chairman Roy Bostock saw his vote fall from 79.5 per cent in favour to 60.4 per cent.
Despite the hanging chaddery, there was no change to the result, which means the board remains unchanged and Yang is still in charge. For now, anyway.
Full details from Yahoo! here. ®