This article is more than 1 year old
Sainsbury's punts 'Innocent kids juices' for £2.99
Tw*t-O-Tron discharge in 10, 9, 8...
As I write this, I can hear a distant droning which indicates the Twat-O-Tron has just been fired up at its secret location somewhere in Middle England and is about to discharge an unholy turdspurt at supermarket monolith Sainsbury's. Here's why:
Yup, we're thinking the same as you: How on God's Green Earth can an organisation as big as Sainsbury's fail to spot the missing apostrophe here? That's "Innocent kid's juices" or "Innocent kids' juices" - depending on how many innocent kids have been milked for their juices.
Read my lips: nu labor wants to kill the apostrophe cos its sold out to al-qaeda and swan-roasting albanian immigrants. what would churchill say? jeremy clarkson for pm now! ®