This article is more than 1 year old

Barclays online banking falls offline

Pale blue screen of inactivity

Barclays Bank online banking service has been mostly unavailable today due to 'technical issues'.

The Bank was unable to provide any further details as to what had caused the outage. Vulture Towers has received several emails today and earlier this week from unhappy customers.

A spokesman told the Reg: "There have been problems, but the situation has been improving through the day and it should actually be possible to get onto the service."

Sadly, when we checked the site immediately after speaking to Barclays, out first try pulled up the following:

Online Banking service update

Our Online Banking service is currently unavailable for technical reasons. We suggest you try logging in again later and apologise for any inconvenience caused. Message last updated on 1 October 2008.

We'll update this story if we get any more information.

The bank suffered serious problems at the end of last year with the roll-out of its chip-and-PIN readers for authenticating online banking. ®

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