This article is more than 1 year old
Daylight savings shift to cause phone havoc Down Under
Unsuspecting Aussies could be in for a spot of aggro this weekend, because Down Under network operator Telstra has warned that some phones won’t support the country’s upcoming daylight savings adjustment.
Daylight savings will come into effect three weeks earlier than usual this weekend in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and the nation's capital, Canberra.
The time shift is all part of a plan to make summer longer for Aussies and to boost tourism. Sounds like something cooked up by The Hollowmen...
However, Telstra stressed that the software on some newer mobiles and smartphones may override its own network settings and change times to reflect the traditional beginning of daylight savings. Some of the phones that might be affected include Nokia’s 6120c, phones running Windows Mobile and BlackBerry talkers.
The company told customers to carefully check the time displayed by their phones, to ensure that it’s legit. However, the company’s also set up a website for customers confused about what the real time of day it is.