This article is more than 1 year old
Reg reader completely loses the plot
Weighs into Reg readers, fists flying
FoTW There was time when incoherent rage was directed solely at we poor Reg hacks, long before the days of Democracy 2.0 and our ill-advised decision to allow the hoi polloi to chip their two bits' worth into the hotly-debated topics of the day.
Well, we're delighted to offer you this crisp autumn afternoon an outburst worthy of the Twat-O-Tron, or perhaps ten Twat-O-Trons connected in series, turned up to 11 and fed by the combined indignation of a thousand Daily Mail readers.
The unholy turdspurt in question comes in response to comments on this story, and was posted by one "asdfghjkl" who cunningly elected to remain anonymous just in case the multiple targets of his ire attempted to track him down under "a" in the phone book.
He needn't have bothered, since we rejected the comment anyway and saved it up for some light Friday entertainment. Read on:
What a pointless and poorly reported story, I'm not surprised this Hack reporter can only get a job working for a shitty website. as for some of your comments, dam you people need life's fucking retards,
Here is a list of the best comments from you retarded people out there
Paul Lee - bureaucracy gets in the way of "good" designs - sure it does idiot
Anonymous Coward - f you have Demon mobile broadband, I personally guarantee that your service will not go tits up... I run the billing for it!!! - sure thats why no one had heard of it, oh you work for them too. dumb prick
Martin - It's like saying they designed this f*cking server with f*cking parts that fail just because the watermain bust and put our machine room under 6ft of water. - well its not really is it now, I think your taking shit to try and sound clever. EPIC FAIL
Anonymous Coward -Change isn't for everybody but opportunity surely is? - what is this a question or a statement, either way it makes as much sense a stroke victim
Anonymous Coward -Get use to those posters, they come out with new ones all the time (they spend more on posters they they do fixing leaky toilets) - so you where the janitor, well im sure you know all the working of the company
Andrew Shirley - Apollo 1 went about as well as challenger, just slower and more horrifying. Just the image I want when climbing aboard a mini-cab. - yeah coz spaceflight is just like getting in a mini cab you complete fucking spunk bubble
Yorkshirepudding - abandon ship me harties yaaarr - well the fact you cant spell hearties correct makes me want to take on board you advice, could you ell me what schools you went to so I never send my kids there
TeeCee - Their office party should have the most lavish display on Guy Fawkes' night - so how many company's have you worked for that have party's on Guy Fawkes night or are you just taking shit so you can pretend to sound like you have a point to make, what a cock
Good points, well made. Our particular fave snippet of this classic is the line "well the fact you cant spell hearties correct makes me want to take on board you advice, could you ell me what schools you went to so I never send my kids there". Pure class.
Yes, shame on the lot of you for failing to spell proper. Sort yourselves out or the Moderatrix will, well, you know... ®