This article is more than 1 year old
El Reg in Street View drive-by snooping
Orwellian spycar menaces Vulture Central
Vulture Central is today in full counter-surveillance lock-down mode following the sighting of a Street View Orwellian black Opel in the very street where El Reg has its London headquarters:
Realising he'd been rumbled by the member of our editorial team who'd just happened to pop out for a lunchtime guava and sea urchin wrap with tea tree juice, the driver attempted the classic "hide behind the white van" ruse. To no avail...
Well, it's just a matter of time before the snoopmobiles come looking for you, no matter where you try and hide. Here's the current state of play down at our Google black ops mashup:
View the Map (opens in a new window)
We're still updating the map, so if you have a sighting send me a snap here, remembering to add an exact location. ®