This article is more than 1 year old
BNP membership list leaks online
Rightwingers left exposed
The British National Party has lost its membership list - the whole thing has been published online.
The list includes names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of all members up to September 2008. It also includes some people's ages, especially those under 18 - the BNP offers family membership for £40. Many entries also contain more personal comments about jobs or hobbies. That's how we know that that BNP members include receptionists, district nurses, amateur historians, pagans, line dancers and a male witch.
Members have unsurprisingly reacted with outrage. One commenter said: "I'm also on the list, what the f#ck is going on? I could lose my job." Another: "The most shocking thing is some of the comments by the names! God help anyone who is in the army, the pison [sic] service, health care, police officer or a teacher." Several professions in the UK are expected to refrain from party political activities. More outraged racists rightwingers here.
Various senior BNP figures are being blamed on blogs for the leak.
A spokesman for the BNP was unaware of the leak but said: "It wouldn't surprise me if someone has done this, but they'll be in trouble, not just under the Data Protection Act but also for contempt of court - there's an ongoing court case."
UKIP recently rejected overtures from the BNP suggesting an electoral pact. Meanwhile, UKIP's most famous ex-member, Robert Kilroy Silk is currently disporting himself on I'm a Celebrity...while collecting his MEP salary of course.
Tip of the hat to antifascist blog Lancaster Unity for the tip-off. ®
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