This article is more than 1 year old
Apple updates iPhone firmware
Google Street view cometh
Apple has released a firmware update for the iPhone, giving Jesus phone devotees access to Google Map’s Street View, keyboard settings and more.

iPhone 2.2 Software Update lets you turn off the keyboard's auto-correction. Hurrah!
The free iPhone 2.2 Software Update adds extra functionality to Google Maps so that – in addition to providing a "Street View" of locations – you’ll also have access to public transport and walking directions.
Location information can now be shared with friends through email, and Google Maps will even display the address of a location beside somewhere it’s dropped a pin on.
Texting addicts will be pleased to hear that the update also lets you turn the keyboard’s auto-correction feature off.
Podcasts can now be downloaded through iTunes over both Wi-Fi and Edge/3G connections. Apple claimed that “improved formatting of wide HTML” should improve the display of emails too.
Most of the update’s other benefits are improvements to the iPhone’s existing features, rather than new functions. For example, Apple claimed that downloading 2.2 helps improve Safari’s stability and performance on the phone, whilst bettering the sound quality of visual voicemail messages.
Other improvements include improvements to the accuracy of the 3G signal strength indicator, faster installation times for third-party applications and repeat alerts for incoming text messages.
Owners of unlocked original iPhones are recommended to avoid the update if they want to keep their phones in that state, at least for the time being. iPhone hackers the iPhone Dev Team said their PwnageTool unlocking utility would be updated to support the Firmware 2.2 shortly.
More information about the iPhone 2.2 Software Update is available online.