This article is more than 1 year old

Chilean anti-piracy law drafted on pirated software

.doc shocker in the houze!

Chilean lawyer Guillermo Frêne is having a bit of a bad hair day after it was revealed that draft legislation aimed at cutting the internet connections of illegal downloading ne'er-do-wells was presented in .doc format written on pirated software.

The full outrage was exposed here, which shows that the firm of attorneys responsible for the document goes by the rather unusual name of "The houze":

Document properties showing the organisation as The houze!

According to the exposé, "many modified (and illegal) copies of Microsoft Office are identified as belonging to 'The houze!'", and that the program forms part of a "Windows Unattended Edition".

Frêne, meanwhile, has responded (in Spanish, natch) that he was "never involved in drafting the said legislation".

He admits he doesn't know how his name came to be on the document, but explains he worked as a parliamenary adviser between 2007-8 and suspects it was based on some file from the personal computer he used at that time. ®

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