This article is more than 1 year old

Apple joins campaign for real breasts

Cartoon drawings offensive - real flesh OK

Update In a marvellous display of double standards, Apple has approved "Wobble" for sale in the iTunes store, allowing users to animate photographs of real breasts, while still rejecting the cartoon breasts of "iBoobs" as objectionable content.

To be fair, Wobble doesn't provide photographs of suitable Bulgarian airbags to bounce, but the instructional video makes the intended use pretty clear:

This follows the news from Gizmodo that novelist David Carnoy had to cut all the naughty words from his book Knife Music before Apple would deem it suitable for the innocent iPhone screen. This despite the fact that iTunes has a rating system for most content that includes an "over 17" category with the warning "Titles in this category may also contain frequent and intense offensive language" - apparently that doesn’t apply to electronic books.

So swearing in a game would be allowed, but doing the same thing in print is beyond the pale. To get published Mr Carnoy has been forced into clunkiness such as "F me like you mean it", which lacks something of the punch of the uncut version.

Apple is, of course, under no obligation to list or reject any application, nor explain its reasoning - but censoring books and filtering applications without explanation or any apparent consistency does leave a nasty taste in the mouth.

UPDATED: Word comes from Cult of Mac that Wobble isn't the only boobalicious Bulgarian 'bag bouncer available in the iTunes App Store. Witness iJiggles:

Of course, such awesome powers can also be used for more-serious work such as studying bridge-engineering dynamics, or for heart-warming cuteness such as kitties and doggies.

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