Strategy Boutique Survey Those of you who are weary of the tapping of the IT barometer as our survey department strives to gauge the current air pressure of the IT world will be delighted to learn this Reg survey is a bit different - it's all about you, our dear, beloved readers.
Yup, long-term friends of Vulture Central will know that from time-to-time we ask our global audience to give us a bit of insight about themselves so that we can better tailor our product to suit your needs. This probe, then, is simply entitled "Who reads The Register?" - another triumph for the Strategy Boutique's headline-writing committee, but admittedly concise and to the point.
The questions, too, are no-nonsense and should require about five minutes of your valuable time. They include such gems as "Why do you read The Register?" and "How much do you spend per year on personal technology?".
The survey is completely anonymous and also offers the chance to give your two bits' worth about how we could improve El Reg. Judging by the mail we get, everyone has an opinion on that - so get holding forth right now, right here.