This article is more than 1 year old
Xbox 360 NXE fix inbound?
Potential end to HDMI audio problems in sight
Numerous gamers have reported audio issues since installing the New Xbox Experience (NXE). But a solution could be en route, following rumours of a Microsoft-designed fix.
NXE was launched back in November, but after the release many gamers – with HDMI-connected Xbox 360s - began complaining that their HD TVs weren’t outputting any sound. Image quality wasn’t affected.
Microsoft’s own Xbox forum was deluged with complaints from gamers. For example, user Shogun316 said: “So I’ve just installed NXE and now I don't have any audio output at all via HDMI to my monitor and into my headphones.”
Gamer Sixfootsxc commented: “[Audio] was working perfectly before the update last night but now I only get video but no audio whatsoever.”
The good news – potentially – is that various online sources have now reported that Microsoft, which previously said it’s looking into the problem, has inked plans to release a fix for the NXE issue next month.
NXE has also been linked to claims that it causes downloaders to suffer the dreaded Red Ring of Death. But it’s not known if the NXE update will fix this issue too. ®