This article is more than 1 year old
UK censors revolt against 'pornalone' ordeal
The loneliness of the long-distance smutwatcher
Staff from the British Board of Film Classification are inexplicably up in arms about a management move to force them to endure hardcore rumpy-pumpy alone, the Guardian reports.
While we have no doubt there are hundreds of Reg readers - in common with the BBFC's 80 battle-hardened reviewers - willing and able to cast a critical eye over quality celluloid smutmongery in return for cash, the latter have hitherto watched grumble flicks in pairs "because they often contain scenes that many examiners find offensive".
No doubt the granting of an R18 cert, which allows class pr0n (known as "sex works" down at the BBFC, for the record) to be sold in sex shops, requires the presence of a sympathetic soul able to put the kettle on after a particularly robust rogering, but the powers that be reckon they can dispense with 50 per cent of the team and thereby save money.
The "examiners", however, say that "films that are refused an R18 certificate often include scenes that many find disturbing, including sadomasochism and sexual violence", adding that "viewing pornographic content alone will increase the chances of being sexually aroused by the material".
A BBFC spokeswoman offered: "The BBFC is currently consulting staff about a proposal that sex works should also be examined by examiners viewing alone, but only on the basis that an appropriate policy is in place for having works which are particularly problematic or unpleasant viewed by teams. Difficult or unpleasant issues or material are not confined to sex works."*
Mercifully for the BBFC's potential solo fliers, the spokeswoman noted that "sex works are currently examined by teams of two, but ... a final decision on the proposed changes had not been taken". ®
*This is true - I personally watched Paris Hilton in The Hottie and the Nottie while on my own and am still receiving expert counselling.