This article is more than 1 year old

Ryanair trades blows with 'idiot blogger'

Online booking glitch provokes almighty punch-up

Hats off this fine morning to Ryanair, which last week traded blows with "idiot blogger" Jason Roe and in the process demonstrated exactly how airlines should deal with bothersome self-loading cargo.

The whole thing kicked off when Jason posted details of an apparent glitch which allowed him to get Ryanair tickets for nowt.

Well, this didn't go down too well with one loyal member of the airline's staff, who responded with the following comment: "jason! you’re an idiot and a liar!! fact is! you’ve opened one session then another and requested a page meant for a different session, you are so stupid you dont even know how you did it! you dont get a free flight, there is no dynamic data to render which is prob why you got 0.00. what self respecting developer uses a crappy CMS such as word press anyway AND puts they’re mobile ph number online, i suppose even a prank call is better than nothing on a lonely sat evening!!"

Jason duly replied: "Hello Ryanair staffer .. I have not lied, I found a bug in your site that allows a user to see a 0.00 price listed beside a flight. Yes, I have cleared a session, but you have not prevented session jumping! I hope to god a Ryanair management type reads this.

"Crappy CMS such as wordpress .. its a blog? I put my mobile phone number online as im a freelance developer. At least I provide a phone number on my website, no premium lines here."

Cue further Ryanair body blows, including this rather tasty example of good public relations:

Website is not perfect, Life is not perfect…

If you would work in your pathetic life on a such big project in a such busy environment with so little resources, you would know that the most important is to have usual user behavior scenarios working rather than spending time on improbable and harmless things.

We very well know about these anomalies and unless it is not critical we are not going to sacrifice time to this.

If you would be a serious programmer you would know these things and would not post any of this on the web if you would think it can cause us troubles, but you would report to us directly.

Even you did not discover anything major you are still trying to benefit from this.

If I would be you I would think of consequences this can have.

If you would be a serious developer you would work out your About page as well. Or is this really about you? What is that bunch of links there? I could give my review of those websites and it would not be positive probably, but really I don’t know if you actually worked on them or what exactly you did and how big influence you had to make changes there. So keep working on yourself and don’t post bollocks.

Oh dear, oh dear. Finally, Ryanair spokespitbull Stephen McNamara weighed into the fray, and clarified the company's position vis-a-vis bloggers. He said: "Ryanair can confirm that a Ryanair staff member did engage in a blog discussion. It is Ryanair policy not to waste time and energy corresponding with idiot bloggers and Ryanair can confirm that it won't be happening again.

"Lunatic bloggers can have the blog sphere [sic] all to themselves as our people are far too busy driving down the cost of air travel."

Splendid. That'll teach young Jason to keep his deranged ramblings to himself. ®

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