This article is more than 1 year old
Etailer flogs signed Jade Goody biog for £1,000
Sun less than impressed with eBay punt
Updated The Sun is less than impressed with this auction down at tat bazaar eBay punting a signed Jade Goody autobiography for a cool £1,000:
According to Essex-based vendor Post Packet UK Ltd, half of the cash raised will benefit Cancer Research, but a source "close to Jade" told the redtop: “Some people are just sick. How can you take something so tragic and make money from it? They are just heartless, callous and greedy. They are making thousands from Jade’s illness and will probably make even more from her death.”
A spokeswoman for Post Packet retaliated: “She has no dignity. She is exploiting herself for cash and we are only doing the same. We are not doing anything illegal.”
The cash-in-while-you-can industry has gone into eBay Jade Goody overdrive in anticipation of her imminent death from cervical cancer, with current listings encompassing gift sets, perfume and OK! magazine collectibles.
While sellers fall over each other to get their snouts in the trough, Goody's publicist Max Clifford noted: “Jade wants to make as much money as she can so her boys can have the best education and future. There has been a huge increase in the numbers of women going for a cervical smear test because of her."
He concluded: “The online companies can only answer for themselves.” ®
Post Packet updated the auction this morning and now says it's donating 100 per cent of the proceeds to charity.