This article is more than 1 year old

Nikon Coolpix P90 bridge camera

Super zoom, so-so pictures

Sample Shots

Nikon Coolpix P90

Vibration reduction off
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Nikon Coolpix P90

Vibration reduction on
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Naturally, with such a long zoom, the P90 includes anti-shake technology, including a CCD-shift system called Vibration Reduction (VR). These shots show how effective VR is. Shot details: 1/20 sec shutter speed, F5.0, ISO 64, focal length110mm, equivalent to 624mm on a 35mm camera.

Nikon Coolpix P90

D-Lighting off

Nikon Coolpix P90

D-Lighting on

The P90 includes D-lighting technology, which can be used to tweak contrast and brightness during shooting or playback.

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