This article is more than 1 year old
Apple brands UK tabloid 'obscene'
More iBoob action? Cor!
Apple may put News International's nose out of joint with its definition of 'obscene', after rejecting a newspaper-reading iPhone app for reasons of rudeness.
Newspaper(s), an application that renders content from the world's newspapers, was rejected by iTunes because it included the UK's Sun newspaper - complete with topless Page Three girl - on the grounds that it violates the iTunes policy on "obscene content". But the Sun reckons it's a "family" paper, and takes accusations of pornography-pushing very seriously indeed.
According to a report on iLounge the publisher of Newspaper(s) was recommended to resubmit the application once OS 3.0 is released, after which a suitable category will be available, but instead decided to remove the offending newspaper from the app.
Many years ago, when one UK mobile operator started putting Page Three girls into an "adult" section of their WAP site, they received swift rebuttal from News International. The owners of the Sun advised that the topless lovelies were not pornography, but just fun, family content. The operator swiftly created a "glamour" section of the site, which was acceptable to the tab, just about.
We contacted the Sun for comment, but other than expressing incredulity at Apple's position and promising to look into it they declined to comment further. Still, you can be sure that News International will be having a few choice words with the boys in Cupertino. ®