This article is more than 1 year old
'Della': Dell's very special site for women
Separate spheres alive and well
Fear not the musty, masculine stench and wet towel snapping at Dell's regular website, lady shoppers. The computer giant has baked up a very special separate place for your delicate female sensibilities!
Dell launched a new site this week geared specifically towards women, called Della. Yes indeed. If you thought computer shopping was a gender-neutral affair, then you've obviously been struck down by an acute case of female hysteria. (Nine out of ten Victorian-age doctors agree.)
Della has four sections that emphasis the humane, nurturing, collective, and caring aspects of... purchasing Dell computers; "products", "tech tips", "giving" and "featured artist".
The site appears mainly focused on punting Dell's Inspiron Mini 10 Netbook to ladies. It's a computer, the company emphasizes, that will fit in your purse and let you stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues through email. And everyone knows broads fall for that kind of stuff.
Della's "tech tips" section offers seven "unexpected" ways a netbook can change womanly existence, including helping you "find recipes online, store and organize them, and watch cooking videos". Or maybe you're the kind of chick that prefers to "use your mini to track calories, carbs, and protein with ease". That just about encompasses everything you need.
The "featured artist" section currently spotlights Robyn Moreno, author of the style book Practically Posh: The Smart Girls Guide to a Glam Life and reportedly a female that actually uses a computer in real life! And not even one of those Speak N' Spells - an actual, honest to god computer just like men use!
Females can click on the website here (note: a website is like an electronic family scrapbook that everyone in the world can look at!). Males are relegated to the regular brutish site - which by the way is totally a sausagefest now. Thanks Dell. ®