This article is more than 1 year old
Google inks biggest ever apps deal
It's a giant cloud, as big as a cloud
Cap Gemini has sold what it believes is the largest ever contract for Google's online suite of software products.
French industrial group Valeo operates in 27 countries from 192 offices and other buildings. About 30,000 Valeo staff will get access to Google Apps.
The phased programme will start this year by giving staff access to online documents, video management and instant messaging. Next up will be Enterprise directory and workflow tools to automate admin tasks.
Finally staff will start using Google mail, calendar, search and online translation.
Dave Girouard, president of Google Enterprise, said cloud computing could help companies cut costs and innovate, "especially in today's difficult economic environment".
Valeo employs 45,000 people.
The deal is based on the Google Apps Premier Edition and supported by Capgemini. ®