This article is more than 1 year old
Mio tunes into TV satnavs
A world's first, apparently
Mio has showcased a two satnavs that are bound to brighten up boring motorway journeys, because they can also receive TV signals.

Mio's 4.7in and 7in Spirit satnavs: pick up TV channels
The 4.7in and 7in devices are part of the firm’s Spirit range and can pick up DVB-T signals, in addition to getting you from A to B.
Neither model’s expected to hit UK shops until the summer, and Mio may still have some technical issues to iron out, because pre-production models that Reg Hardware saw yesterday were pretty c**p at picking up any telly signals.
Both models have bendy aerials that extend from one side, but Mio will also chuck in a much longer cable with suction cups on that presumably you can stick onto your car’s roof or window.
Obviously watching telly while you’re driving isn’t a good idea and Mio stressed that disclaimers will appear before TV mode’s enabled. However, the firm claimed that both versions should be able to receive TV signals at speeds of up to 60mph.
And if you find that you can’t pick up a TV signal, then the pair work perfectly well as ordinary satnavs. Prices haven’t been announced yet. ®