This article is more than 1 year old

iPhone apps - the 10 smartest and the 10 stupidest

One man's meat is another man's poison

No. 2

Smart: Bento

They say: "It's never been easier to organize all the details of your busy life - in one iPhone application!"

The Reg says: First there was the basic database app Nutshell, which morphed into FileMaker, which eventually spawned the entry-level, templates-based Bento info-manager for Mac OS X.

Now Bento is available for the iPhone, and it's a cute beaut. It comes bundled with 25 info-organizing templates from Classes to Vehicle Maintenance. Templates can be modified using 15 different field types, and the data within them can interact with other iPhone apps to make calls, view maps, and send emails.

Bento for the iPhone can sync with Bento 2.0v4 for the Mac, or simply be used as a standalone app.

Price: $4.99

  Bento screenshot

  iKissMe screenshot

Stupid: iKissMe

They say: "No matter what your love life brings to the table, you will have a big soft pair of lips to kiss whenever you want!"

The Reg says: This app is so disturbingly stupid that we hope it's merely a put-on. But we fear it's not.

Dial your preferred kiss type, and iKissMe will reward you with a kiss sound effect when you, yes, kiss your beloved iPhone.

To again quote the developer's description, "iKissMe is a great way to practice your kissing skills, or just to bring you up when you're feeling down."

Our hearts go out to anyone who finds succor in this app - it's multi-touch narcissistic osculatorial masturbation at its most unsettling.

Price: $4.99

Next page: No. 1

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