This article is more than 1 year old
Microsofties lose their iPhones
iForfeit my non-Windows Mobile
Microsoft's cost-cutting measures are costing more than just jobs at the software giant - staff are also having to give up their iPhones and BlackBerries.
If employees want to hang onto the devices they'll have to pay for their own data subscriptions. Redmond will only pick up the bill for a Windows Mobile device - not Palm, not Android, not RIM and certainly not any Mac-based gadgets.
Reports suggest the change came in earlier this year, but has only emerged now. Presumably because no-one could afford to leak the details by email.
We can only assume Microsoft hasn't heard Forrester's latest research which suggests iPhone users are just better than the rest of us. iPhoners are younger, richer and better educated than users of ordinary smartphones.
But Microsoft's beancounters could be on to something - iPhone users also spend more on data services than ordinary mortals with normal smartphones. ®