This article is more than 1 year old

Whining serial commentard bemoans Reg bullying

'Do not harrass me online'

It appears serial Reg poster Aaron Kempf doesn't much like the taste of his own bitter medicine, and has written to "request that you do not harrass [sic] me online".

It was a crisp October morn last year when Kempf savagely laid into Reg hack Chris "Fucking pansy" Williams with a couple of unholy turdspurts about this piece on counter-terror databases.

Kempf's splendid outbursts included this fairly representative rant:

Run away you little pansy, the databases are coming, the databases are coming!!!

No wonder you guys are no longer a super-power. Super-Powers aren't scared of a fucking database.

After that, we kind of hoped he'd spontaneously combusted or something, but sadly not. Sure enough, he was soon off again about Sarah Palin, suggesting:

screw you for using your media to talk shit about palin, I would rather have a woman than a muslim-- any day of the week. Why don't your stick your attitude problem back in a time machine and go back to the revolutionary war and fuck yourself again.

Lovely. Well, it appears Kempf didn't much like the way in which we reported his outbursts, and yesterday (belatedly) dispatched an email which began: "I'm going to request that you do not harrass me online."

A promising start, but it didn't last long. Kempf continued:

It's ridiculous that you guys are scared of databases-- oh my god are people actually keeping track of you?

but either way-- you don't need to harrass me online

Well, Kempfy me old mate, we'll do a deal: You eff off back to your databases and never darken our inboxes again and we'll forget all about you. Sorted. ®


Yup, it's got to be said: "As ye sow, so shall ye reap," and so forth...

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