This article is more than 1 year old

iTablet to be called iProd?

iPhone code uncovers mystery codename

Reports that Apple may be developing a tablet PC are nothing new, with many convinced that the device will be called the iTablet. However, uncovered Apple software code has since revealed that the rumoured gadget may have a slightly weirder name.


Could the iTablet really be called the iProd?
Credit: ars technica

A screenshot of an updated USBConfiguration.plist located within the iPhone’s OS 3.1 beta update - discovered by website ars technica - contains two references to something called the “iProd”.

An odd name, certainly, but one that immediately conjures up images of index fingers and thumbs caressing the glass panel of a touchscreen device - such as a tablet PC.

Text strings within the update also mention “ConfigurationDescriptors”, “deviceID” and “productID” codes for two iProd versions, the “iProd0,1” and the “iProd1,1”.

While this isn’t categorical proof that a touchscreen Apple tablet PC is in the works, it’s worth noting that the moniker appears in the same list as various existing iPod and iPhone configurations, such as “iPod1,1” and “iPhone3,1” – the latter of which refers to the iPhone 3GS.

We will keep you posted as further iTablet/iProd news emerges.

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